Advanced Wilderness First Aid (40h) - Charlesbourg, Qc - December 3rd to 6th, 2021 - SRI2-3859 | SIRIUSMEDx

Advanced Wilderness First Aid (40h) - Charlesbourg, Qc - December 3rd to 6th, 2021 - SRI2-3859

Event registration is closed.

**Course in French**

Veuillez noter que pour participer à une formation SIRIUSMEDx, vous devez fournir la preuve que vous avez reçu les deux doses du vaccin COVID. Lors de votre inscription, vous aurez la possibilité de joindre un document à votre dossier. N'oubliez pas qu'il peut vous être demandé de présenter votre VaxiCode à votre arrivée à la formation.


 Odoo • une photo avec une légende
Would you like more information on our 40-hour Advanced Wilderness First Aid program? Click here

Course Schedule

3 December 8h30 à 17h30 + 18h30 à 22h00 (RCR)
4 December  8h30 à 17h30
5 December  8h30 à 17h30 + 18h30 à 22h00 (Simulation)
6 December  8h30 à 17h30

Course Location

Ski de fond Charlesbourg
375 rue de l'Aventure
Québec QC G2M 1N3


The courses offered by Sirius are physically demanding and require a great deal of concentration. It is therefore important that you arrive rested. We also recommend that you refrain from additional activities during meal breaks and on the evenings preceding the course days. Sirius requires the full presence and participation of the participants during the entire training. If, for any reason, you are unable to participate in any of the course segments, please call the head office to discuss options.

Materials Provided

Sirius' courses are designed to provide students with an important practical component, consisting of real-life simulations and practical tests. We provide the required specialized teaching materials, including: First aid supplies and equipment, bandages, splints, back boards, etc. First aid kits and materials used during demonstrations and practical sessions. Complete make-up and accessory kits for the simulations. Accident report forms and course materials.

What to bring to the course ?

During first aid training in isolated areas, you use equipment that you normally carry with you on a trip lasting more than 24 hours. Participants must bring the following equipment to class:  

  • A bottle of water
  • Watch with second hand (or digital) to measure vital signs
  • A pen and paper 
  • Comfortable clothing and shoes for indoor classes - risk of getting dirty 
  • Outdoor clothing suitable for outdoor activities (rain or shine)
  • Small backpack for carrying equipment during simulations
  • Old sleeping bag and old clothes for outdoor simulations - risk of getting dirty
  • Foam floor mats for outdoor sessions and as immobilization/contention material
  • Tarp, backdrop or floor mat (3 m x 3 m) for simulation and patient/victim care
  • Rope, 5 mm x 5 m, for patient/victim care
  • A headlamp (when evening sessions are scheduled)


Participants' knowledge and skills are assessed throughout the training through review sessions, tests and exams, and ongoing evaluation of skill acquisition. Participants' knowledge and skills are also evaluated on the last day of training through a multiple-choice exam, which is reviewed and corrected in class. Students in advanced training (advanced first aid and first responder) are also subject to a practical exam. 


Sirius course certificates are valid for a period of three years. In order to keep their knowledge and skills up to date, participants are encouraged to attend frequent training sessions, on-the-job training, as well as refresher courses once a year. Many of our clients take refresher courses while their certification is still in effect.


To be eligible for the certification in Isolated First Aid, you must have completed the CPR-AED module, which is offered as part of the Advanced First Aid in Isolated Areas (40 hours) course in which you are registered.

*Politique d'annulation de COVID :

Si vous annulez en raison d'un problème lié à COVID-19 :

Si, à un moment donné, vous ne pouvez pas commencer ou terminer un cours en raison de problèmes liés à COVID, nous vous fournirons un crédit pour le cours que vous pourrez utiliser dans les 12 mois suivants.

**Annulation d'un cours par SIRIUSMEDx

SIRIUSMEDx se réserve le droit d'annuler un cours s'il n'atteint pas le nombre minimum de participants requis. Si SIRIUSMEDx annule un cours en raison d'un nombre insuffisant de participants, SIRIUSMEDx remboursera le montant total du cours ou le transférera à une autre date disponible.

***Politique d'annulation habituelle :

Si vous annulez un cours 30+ jours avant le début de celui-ci, le montant total du cours vous sera remboursé.

Si vous annulez un cours entre 15 et 29 jours avant le début du cours, vous serez remboursé de 50 % des frais payés.

Nous transférerons le programme à une autre date disponible (valable 1 an + 25$ de frais administratifs).

Si vous annulez un cours 14 jours ou moins avant la date de début du cours, il n'y a PAS de remboursement.

Ou                                                                                                                                                                                    Nous transférerons le programme à une autre date disponible (valable 1 an + 45$ de frais administratifs).

Date & time

December 3, 2021

Start - 8:30 a.m. Monday

December 6, 2021

End - 5:30 p.m. America/Montreal

Ski de fond Charlesbourg

375 rue de l'Aventure
Québec QC G2M 1N3
+1 418-849-9054
Get direction
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+1 514-509-2112